Our People

Our skilled electricians, excellent safety record, and caring staff make Samson Electric the company you can count on. With shops in Park River, Cavalier, Langdon and Minto, we cover a large area in northeastern North Dakota and into northwestern Minnesota. Call us at 701.284.7433 for all of your electrical needs.

Park River

PR Crew 2

Back row-Kevin, Brad, Jason, David, Jarrod Front row-Jordon, Keith, Luke, Warren

Cavalier and Langdon


Office Staff

Sandy and Jessica

Sandy and Jessica

Owners copy
Stop in and say Hi!
You can also stop in  our newly-remodeled office to discuss your project, pay your bill, or pick up  materials for your do-it-yourself project. We have a full line of materials in  our warehouse and receive shipments daily from our vendors.